Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sister/Momma Bear is Okay

My sister, the Old Stewardess, was hospitalized last week and we had a very bad scare. Near the beginning of September we had gone down to visit Dad in Duck, NC and she was uncharacteristically feeling ill. Old Stew is always the life of the party and when she is down, she is down. I took her to the hospital during Hurricane Hannah and 8 hours later they sent us on our way with a few percocets and a cd of her MRI which showed a large tumor in her abdomen and it had been causing severe pain. She will not be pleased that I say this but it was the size of a grapefruit (some 13x8 centimeters). The doctor told her that they suspected cancer, he did not mince words and I was there to witness it. He told her to get to a gynecological oncologist as soon as possible. I was amazed at how she handled the whole situation. She did not panic whatsoever. She was actually quite calm. I would have been beside myself and quite hysterical but she was not. She refused to be alarmed unless and until she knew she had something to be alarmed about. Wow. I kept checking in with her up until the time of surgery and she remained calm the whole time. Many folks were praying for her and once those efforts were underway, I began to relax as well. We were relieved to discover this "thing" was totally benign. I went up to Fairfax on Tuesday afternoon, the day of her surgery. I was there along with Dad and Scamper when she came out of the recovery room. She was chatty within the hour. She got tired quickly and sent us home. The next morning she had made them remove her catheter and she was up and at 'em. They let her go home Thursday - she really is the best type of patient. Here are a few photos, a couple of her, one of me making the bed with the nurse (I think she took this because it is rare to see me do housework) and one of Dad doing what Dad does best. I'm sorry, I'm not good with what I need to do to arrange the photos the right way and I don't care to learn right now.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

It is a good thing those pictures of me don't enlarge...I'd be keeeeee--ling you about now!!

Love you!