Friday, March 21, 2008

TomTom is Not Always Right

While in Blacksburg I used my TomTom to find the AmeriSuites listed on my GPS. It is almost always right, but here is what I found where the hotel was supposed to be.It was the Virginia Tech Sheep Center! I thought the babies were so cute so I got out and took a picture of them. The first picture is of the sweet babies. In the second photo you can see that "Mom" has spotted me and is beelining it over to investigate. I thought that would be a good time to leave.

On the other side of the street was a building under construction which I assume will be the FUTURE AmeriSuites. What do you think?


Tracy said...

That's too funny! And what a perfect "mom" picture of the sheep.

Blondie said...

That is freakin' hilarious!!