Thursday, March 27, 2008

I am a Walrus?

Here is Dad in the hospital doing fine. See? I told y'all. He is doing fabulous. I got a particular kick out of him Wednesday morning though. A nurse had come by to put a yellow band on his wrist because the hospital auditors would be coming by to check on things. A yellow band is put on patients over the age of 65 because they are considered a "fall risk." When the nurse told Dad he was a fall risk, he asked her seriously, "I am a walrus?" As you can see, he is eating good.

He also walked around the hospital floor this afternoon after Dr. Garrison took his massive drains out. Dr. Garrison was Dad's surgeon and is talented AND nice. He took the bandages off Dad's chest and exposed a serious incision area - at least 10" long. Once Dad's "strings" were unattached, he had me get him a wheelchair - not to sit in but rather to use like a walker. He took off down the hall, hardly waiting for me and the nurse. One of the nurse's down the hall yelled "we've got a runner!"

Everyone here is so nice and you can tell that they really enjoy what they do. They are not overly stressed and it is really comforting. Here is Dad's respiratory therapist, Lisa. She made him work very hard with his breathing - she wants to make sure he does not get pneumonia.

Dad has had a few visitors. Joe and Jeanne Sullivan have been in quite a bit as has David Savage (mail gatherer extraordinaire).

We're hoping to get him home on Saturday or Sunday.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

Kiss the Walrus for me!