Sunday, July 27, 2008

Typical Summer Weekend

It's Sunday night and I am wondering where the weekend went. Almost time for Army Wives. I thought I'd post a few pics from the weekend. But...I don't remember what I did Friday night! I do remember Saturday - my highlight was a 3 mile run in the park with Hollywood. That was memorable because it liked to have killed me. 3 miles doesn't usually do me in but the circumstances are that I have only run once since we went to Europe and the day after that I got sick. Since I am still (4 weeks later) dealing with this hacking cough, I've had an excuse to not exercise. I decided on Saturday that I could not in good conscience still claim to be "not feeling good" and I had better try and get back to it. Well let's just say Hollywood has been using her time much more wisely while at her summer program - she has been running every other day. That was quite obvious when we ran because we had not gone 1/8 of a mile and she was pulling away. Wasn't long before she was not in my sight. She finished quite a bit before I did but she double backed and pulled me through. I actually thought I might gack but I kept it together. Took me all day to recover!
Saturday night was very nice. Hollywood and I caught up with my friend Babs and her husband and we had dinner at our "cabana." This is a structure above the deck of an entertainment pavilion of sorts at the hotel where Big Dad works. It is nice because you have birds eye view of the entertainment and you have a perfect view of the Atlantic Ocean. We also had the company of some visitors, Ms. H. and her nephew.
We have been trying to decorate the cabana for the last couple of years. We actually have a changing room inside and we are stocked with dishes and more importantly, wine goblets. The weather was so nice on Saturday night and we were able to enjoy beach music from a very talented band. We enjoyed the fellowship until well after sundown.

Sunday was church in the morning, then laundry in the afternoon. Hollywood and I went down to the beach to ride our bikes on the boardwalk but no sooner had we pulled in and got out of the car, it started to thunder. No worries, we just picked up Big Dad and went to Tripps for a bite to eat. We decided to drop by Uncle Jeff's after, to see what they were up to. We walked in just as the gang was sitting down to dinner. Uncle Jeff has a group of regular friends that hang out at his house. Tonight they were dining on lots of things from the garden including corn, green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. I did eat a tomatoe slice - yum.

We left Uncle Jeff's and were still in the visiting mode so we dropped by my sister-in-law's house. She is Big Dad's sister and we love her to bits. Hollywood is crazy about her and we always love seeing her, her husband Uncle T, and their daughter Chloe.

Time to finish folding the laundry!

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